+91 9070 108 108

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Where Retail Dreams Take Center Stage

Tower Retail

G + Floor 1
Shops are strategically positioned throughout Tower B, with a focus on key areas such as the FNG access entry, tower entry and the plaza. This strategic placement enhances visibility, recall value and draws in a higher number of visitors, boosting business prospects.
Dedicated two lifts for retailers/ shoppers operating only between ground and the first floor.
To ensure a seamless flow of visitors, we have established a connecting pathway between the two sides of the retail shops, linking the tower entry and the plaza-facing areas.
We have allocated a generous 5-meter-wide (approx. 16 feet) walking space in front of the shops, creating the sensation of strolling down a beautiful and opulent boulevard.
A height of approx. 5.35 meters (17.5 feet) and an average frontage of approx. 5.2 meters (17 feet) will undoubtedly offer a majestic experience to everyone.
One FNG Retail Space
One FNG Retail Space

Hi-Street Retail

5 Retail Blocks: F1 – F5

200+ shops

Our Hi-Street Retail space blends luxury with convenience, offering a diverse shopping experience from high-end boutiques to daily essentials. The uniquely designed structures optimize visibility and invite exploration, while strategic architecture creates comfortable, shaded areas for visitors and retailers alike.

With showrooms, restaurants, and shops boasting a height of approximately 5.35 meters (17.5 feet), our expansive alfresco and open spaces ensure a perpetual buzz in the compound. Additionally, the upper levels of the retail blocks are seamlessly interconnected, eliminating the need to descend when accessing adjacent shopping blocks (applicable to F1-F4).

In F1 block floor 2 & 3 have sport wellness center. We prioritize the welfare of our occupants by providing exclusive facilities and a state-of-the-art sports center. Additionally, Floors 2 and 3 of this building are specifically allocated to promote the overall health of our occupants, focusing on both physical fitness and mental well-being, through dedicated amenities including: